Hotel Accommodations

Guests may make a reservation at the Bellevue Club Hotel using the group attendee code BLAKEA0524 for a discount. The deadline to book in our block is May 3rd. Rooms are limited, but do not worry as there are plenty of wonderful alternatives in the area.

Is parking available?

The Bellevue Club has a large parking lot to accommodate all our guests.

What is the dress code?

Formal attire. We suggest that men wear a suit in any color (tie optional) and women wear a cocktail dress or a nice pantsuit.

When should I RSVP by?

Please RSVP by May 1st!

Are the ceremony and reception at the same place?

Yes! Both the ceremony & reception will be held at the Bellevue Club. It is an indoor venue, no need to dress for the weather.

May I bring a guest?

When RSVP’ing you will see if you have the option to bring a guest.

What type of food will be served during the cocktail hour and reception?

We'll be serving light passed hors d'oeuvres during cocktail hour, followed by a dinner buffet & dessert.